RhodeCode vs Kallithea comparison

Published on March 25, 2019, by Brian

Kallithea is a GPL based for of RhodeCode that was created in July 2014.

We're often asked about differences between Kallithea and RhodeCode.
So we prepared a short summary that highlights those differences.

Below is a comparison chart fo features based on RhodeCode 4.16.X and Kallithea 0.3.X

If you'd like to contribute to this comparison, or you feel it's incorrect
please contact us at info@rhodecode.com


Feature RhodeCode Kallithea
Installer Y N
Pull Requests Y Y
Pull Requests Updates Y N
Pull Requests Web Merge Y N
Live Code Chat Y N
Live Notifications Y N
Code Review Rules Y N
Custom Reviewers logic Y N
Integrations system Y N
Generic integrations Y Y
Full Text Search Y Y
Advanced Full Text Search Y N
File Editing Y Y
Priopriatary License avail. Y N
Remote Pull Y Y
Remote Push Y N
Scheduled Push/Pull Y N
Commit Strip via UI Y N
Evolve + Phase support Y N
Feature Y N


Feature RhodeCode Kallithea
Pluggable Authentication Y Y
SAML 2.0 Authentication Y N
OAuth Authentication Y N
LDAP Support Y Y
LDAP Support with User Group sync Y N
Authentication Tokens Y N


Feature RhodeCode Kallithea
System Independent upgrades Y N
Regular Security Checks Y N
Simple Activity Journal Y Y
Detailed Audit logs Y N
Advanced permission system Y Y
Branch Permissions Y N


Feature RhodeCode Kallithea
Under active feature development Y N
AGPL Licensed Y N
GPL Licensed N Y
Scheduled Feature Releases Y N
Releases from source N Y
PYPI Installable N Y