RhodeCode Enterprise 2.0.1

Published on August 14, 2013, by Sebastian

One week ago we released RhodeCode Enterprise (version 2.0.0) to the public. We had strong coverage in press and blogs and great feedback from new and existing users.

Actually it was so much feedback that we had to move to a more unified support system earlier than planned. The new system uses Tender and is located at https://rhodecode.com/help/. We chose Tender since it includes private and public discussions, a searchable knowledge base (coming soon) and perfectly integrates with Lighthouse, a great issue tracker for open source and closed source projects. All other locations will be closed or abandoned soon, so please use our new support system from now on.

Today we are releasing RhodeCode Enterprise 2.0.1 as a direct response to the feedback from the past 7 days. The new version fixes all reported critical bugs, adds minor improvements to the user interface and improves the general functionality of pull requests. For details please check our versions page. Since the release is mostly about the fixing of bugs, an upgrade is recommended.

You can upgrade from any earlier RhodeCode version by typing the following lines:

# stop RhodeCode
service rhodecode stop  
# activate your RhodeCode virtualenv (if existing)
source ~/rhodecode-venv/bin/activate  
# upgrade RhodeCode using pip from our servers
pip install --upgrade https://rhodecode.com/dl/latest  
# upgrade your configuration and database
cd ~/rhodecode-venv/  
paster make-config RhodeCode production.ini  
paster upgrade-db production.ini  
# start RhodeCode again
service rhodecode start  

Please backup your database in advance as described here. You can always verify your installed version inside RhodeCode Enterprise at "Admin" -> "Settings" -> "System info".

The next version (2.0.2) will bring better support for Internet Explorer and is released in August. If you are already using RhodeCode Enterprise with Internet Explorer please report us even minor glitches to our new support system, we will try to include them in the release.
