RhodeCode Enterprise 2.0.2

Published on August 27, 2013, by Sebastian

Today we are releasing RhodeCode Enterprise 2.0.2 and it is ready for download & upgrade now. In this release we focused on improving the general support for Internet Explorer 8 and newer and added some further general improvements. The dedicated RhodeCode Enterprise servers of our hosting users were already upgraded last night.

1. Better Internet Explorer Support


Microsoft Internet Explorer is well established in the enterprise world which is often bound to old versions like Internet Explorer 8. During the last few weeks, we collected glitches which occured under different Internet Explorer (8, 9, 10) and Windows (XP, Vista, 7) versions and release fixes with 2.0.2.

Since we are developing under Mac OS X with Ubuntu 13.04. as virtual machine inside VMWare and Virtualbox, it made sense to use the free Internet Explorer VMs from Microsoft for testing and they actually worked like a charm.

2. New My Account Page


We also ongoingly improve the user interface of RhodeCode Enterprise and in version 2.0.2 we introduce a new layout for the "My Account" page which you can see in the picture above. The new layout groups details in an easier to read and more logical way. Additionally, and as requested by some companies, you can now add more email addresses to your user account on that page, too.

3. Registration Captcha


Some users who have a public, world-open RhodeCode Enterprise installation reported that spam bots sometimes registered and their deleting annoyed them. To block spambots we introduce an optional Captcha to the registration page.

4. There Is More

We also improved the online editor syntax and mode detection and added support for .yaml, .ini and .rst files. We did even more, please have a look at our versions page for all changes in RhodeCode Enterprise 2.0.2.

Please check our knowledge base for upgrade instructions. We are adding more content there during the next days and weeks.

Thanks to all who reported issues and feature requests at https://rhodecode.com/help - most of them are implemented in 2.0.2 or are implemented soon!
