Process vs Perfection

Published on December 11, 2014, by Brian

Nothing is perfect. It is an impossible word to realize, and like foresight it simply does not exist. Forethought on the other hand does exist, but unfortunately few people put enough effort into thinking ahead.

When aiming to deliver software, improve products, and make a business take off, the battle between unattainable perfection and getting a business critical delivery process right can leave you chasing the wrong goals, and never achieving them.

Agile Means Imperfection

In the same way that Git and Mercurial made a success out of embracing the evils of branching and merging, Agile's success is based on embracing imperfection and shipping products fast, with honest appraisals and a commitment to keep improving.

This is where the dreamer and the deliverer run into philosophical clashes. What is more important for each person becomes the bone of discontent, and usually this comes at the expense of the business. The bigger picture always plays second fiddle to selfish needs at times like these, despite claims to the contrary. Someone wants a talking box and a room full of attentive ears for their sermon about principles. Maybe they will have a powerpoint!

Stepping back and realising that there is a middle ground, which consists of ensuring high-standards, and making peace with imperfection is where the sweet spot lies. Both of these need the right processes in place so that they can be achieved.

Continuous Perfection Equals Failure

Finding that middle ground requires the right kind of conceptualisation. The issues that grow into stumbling blocks are usually caused by a lack of being able to see how a project will turn out, and battling along the way expecting each iteration to be perfect.

Heads up, it's not going to be!
If you are the dreamer, you need to learn how to conceptualise and not just dream. If you are the deliverer, you must ensure standards are high and the desired goals hit with aplomb!

Getting the mix right is not hard to do, but it does require stakeholders plan ahead, define deliverables, and stick to those within the set deadlines. Most especially at the expense of perfection, should that raise its head.

Once the mix is defined though, that is when the hard work begins. Delivering on plans is what you are paid to do!

Process and Improvements

Once you have defined the correct process for delivering the goods, one aspect you need to ensure is that you are always seeking tweaks and improvements to help you succeed that little bit more.

There is a plethora of tools, practices, training, and technologies specifically designed for so many different niche ideas that it is possible to set yourself up for success in the most creative and fulfilling manner possible.


Don't see your business drown in the quest for perfection. Learn how to get your development and delivery processes singing in unison and then start cranking out the improvements to both.

Once you get the process right, and you have the fortitude to work hard and deliver on your promises then you are already ahead of so many other competitors out there that success becomes all that more attainable.

The other option is that you become the prettiest dead App in the App Store.