From our Community


Call for Testimonials

Published on February 20, 2014

We will soon release a testimonials page and for that we need your input!

Please send us in 2-3 sentences why you recommend RhodeCode Enterprise. You alone decide what information is put online. Please click here to enter your testimonial. Thank you so much!

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RhodeCode Enterprise 2.2.5

Published on February 13, 2014

Today’s RhodeCode Enterprise 2.2.5 release is about the implementation of feature requests by larger enterprises and governmental organizations with thousands of users, many hierarchy levels and hundreds of thousands of repositories.

The management of many users and permissions has never been so convenient and easy. But also smaller organizations do benefit.

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How we improved Python Packaging & Distribution

Published on January 27, 2014

Over the past 5 months, we invested a lot of time into making the installation of RhodeCode Enterprise as stable, simple and fast as possible. With this blog post I want to share more in detail what we learned and what we changed. I hope that it may help other Python developers in improving the way they bundle and distribute their applications. Especially when their audience not necessarily consists 100% of experienced Python developers but also the normally busy developer, project manager or team lead who just wants to install, upgrade and run a Python application which makes his and his team’s life easier.

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RhodeCode Enterprise 2.2.4

Published on January 09, 2014

We are happy to announce our first minor release of RhodeCode Enterprise in 2014. In that release we improve the security, extend the API and fix edge-cases.

Most of the new features are again based on the very valuable feedback of our largest customers and we are very thankful for the productive feedback we receive from these power users. They help to make RhodeCode Enterprise an even more rock-solid system for enterprises and drive together with us the product and innovation forward.

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A Better Installation Experience

Published on December 05, 2013

We are very proud to announce today some major improvements in the way RhodeCode Enterprise gets installed. We have the goal of a great installation experience in making it super-simple, fast and reliable on every major platform and setup.

As first step towards this goal, we released in September our RhodeCode Installer which already removed 95% of all issues and hassles of a typical installation under Linux. As next, we added support for Windows in October and made the formerly nearly impossible installation on this platform at least achievable.

And today, we are releasing RhodeCode Installer 0.6.0 which adds great improvements to the installation under Linux and completely revolutionized the way a complex Python-based application like RhodeCode Enterprise is installed under Windows.

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