From our Community


New Getting Started Video

Published on July 17, 2013

We released a new getting started video. It is taken on the latest version of Hosted RhodeCode which has the latest user interface changes.

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Hosted on SSD

Published on July 16, 2013

We are happy to announce a new plan which uses solid-state drives as storage device. The SSD is set up as RAID 1 for high-availability. Thanks to the SSD, the performance of RhodeCode dramatically increases by the factor 8 to 10 because most operations within RhodeCode require direct access to Git or Mercurial metadata stored on the hard drive.

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Inside RhodeCode, No 2

Published on July 12, 2013

This week we focused on finishing the first iteration of the website which went silently online today. We already have more content for the site prepared, especially more feature pages, but we are a little bit behind at the graphics for them and will upload them at the beginning of next week.

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Inside RhodeCode, No 1

Published on July 05, 2013

Marcin and I strongly believe in transparency and openness. At RhodeCode we even put them into the DNA of the product (open source software) and the company (core principles). Our communication is also guided by being as informative, open and transparent as possible and so we thought about what could follow these principles but could still be so interesting that we by ourselves would read it.

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Side-by-Side Diffs

Published on June 27, 2013

Throughout today, we are rolling out an exciting new feature called side-by-side diffs. You can now far better see changes on several positions inside a file and you directly see where lines were added and deleted. Scrolling is synced between both windows and it makes browsing for changes far more visual and context-based. Side-by-side diffs are powered by Mergely and are pure Javascript and HTML5.

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