From our Community


RhodeCode 4.3 Release: Repository Integrations, Improved Security & UX

It's now official: RhodeCode 4.3 is out! (tweet)

Version 4.3 is a major release, bringing new features, bugfixes, and a wide range of enhancements. We introduce a new, event-based RhodeCode Integrations framework; it enables Git, Mercurial, and SVN repositories to “talk” to your favorite development tools. Your code commits can now reference tasks in an issue tracker, post updates to a team chat, trigger notifications via email, and many more. We've boosted performance, restyled email notifications, improved security, and made many UI improvements.

Take a few minutes and update your RhodeCode instance:
rccontrol self-update && rccontrol upgrade ‘*’

New to RhodeCode? Download the latest RhodeCode 4.3 (CE or EE) from our website. Keep reading for release details.

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RhodeCode 4.2 Release: Improved Performance, Security & User Interface

We hope you’re having a productive Tuesday! Our team surely is: RhodeCode just released RhodeCode 4.2 .

Newest RhodeCode 4.2 brings many improvements. Most notable are:

  • Performance (up to 4x performance increase for the large repo owners)
  • Security (e.g., improved AesCipher encryption)
  • UI (e.g., improved pull requests view)
  • Other (numerous fixes and minor improvements)

Take a few minutes and update your RhodeCode instance:
rccontrol self-update && rccontrol upgrade ‘*’ Done!

New to RhodeCode? Download the latest RhodeCode 4.2 (CE or EE) from our website.
Keep reading for details.

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AppEnlight Application Performance Monitoring is Now Open Source

Today, RhodeCode open sources AppEnlight, our product for application performance management and monitoring. AppEnlight provides advanced application monitoring by combining error handling, event tracking, and log aggregation. It is also highly performant. AppEnlight handles applications that serve thousands of requests per second and correlates modifications made with the changes in application performance. We were unable to find these capabilities among existing solutions.

RhodeCode products are used by the world’s largest companies, where the performance of applications plays a critical role. Enterprises require a platform that provides a detailed system view, while being highly performant and extensible. We liked AppEnlight so much, we ended up acquiring the whole company!

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Launching the Developer Program for Open Source Contributors

It has been a busy month since RhodeCode went open source :

The source code of Community Edition has been made available on, yet the contribution process was somewhat unclear.

Today RhodeCode launches the Developer Program to make the contribution process easier and more transparent for open source contributors. We also created a dedicated section on our website:

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RhodeCode 4.1 Release: Enterprise Edition, Auth-Tokens & Elasticsearch

rhodecode screens icon

Today, we are excited to release RhodeCode 4.1 . It is our most recent public release since RhodeCode went open source. RhodeCode 4.1 brings new features, fixes, performance and reliability improvements for users of CE & EE editions. Preceded by weeks of testing and fine-tuning, 4.1 marks the launch of RhodeCode EE, the long-awaited (Enterprise Edition) for corporate customers. New RhodeCode EE is also available as OVA download and can be installed on Windows Server.

Existing users should follow the usual upgrade process or keep reading for more details. New users can get the latest RhodeCode (CE or EE) here.

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